It can be easy to miss out on the services provided by your university when you don’t live on campus. Adult college students are especially prone to missing out, since often they only come to campus for their class, located in one classroom or building. Unfortunately, one of the most underutilized tools of adult college students is the college library.
Study Space
When you’re trying to get away from everyday distractions, the library is an amazing place to go. Oftentimes, libraries have different spaces designed for your way of studying. For example, Southern Nazarene University has areas where you can speak at a normal voice level, whisper, or not speak at all. This makes it a great place to go for group projects or individual study.
Research Databases
Almost every university library webpage has access to databases where students can search for scholarly articles. These databases can be general or specific to certain disciplines, but they all come from well-respected sources. These articles can serve you well for class projects, your master’s thesis, or your doctoral dissertation.
The library at SNU features a coffee shop, multiple floors with study areas ranging from silent to normal conversation, and a wealth of reference material.
Interlibrary Loan
While your university may be limited, Interlibrary Loan expands your options. If you’re looking for a book that your library doesn’t carry, speak with a librarian about borrowing the book from a separate library. Often, the book or reference material comes within the week and you can pick it up from the library.
Ask a Librarian
Librarians are your best guide to using the library. They can direct you to the right areas, show you how to use the data base, and check out books. However, SNU offers a service called Ask a Librarian where you can message the librarian online and get quick responses, even when you don’t have time to get to campus.
Computers and Printing
In addition to all of the perks listed above, the library is a perfect place to do some quick printing. Plus, if you run out of battery or forget your laptop at home, the SNU library has computers available for you to log into and get some quick work done.
Going to university is a big investment. Using your library is one way you can make the most of your education. Click here to learn more about SNU’s library or to ask a librarian a question!